Submitting your Reading Schools evidence
Top tips for submitting your Reading Schools evidence

One of the most asked questions we get in Reading Schools is about the evidence submission process. We have tried to make submitting evidence as straightforward as possible, whilst keeping the accreditation process robust and prestigious. There is no denying there is a degree of work involved but here are our top tips to make submitting evidence as simple as possible.
It’s all on your dashboard
Your evidence plan will appear in your dashboard once you have submitted and had your action plan approved. You can find it on your dashboard below your action plan. It highlights the criteria you selected against each key area of the Reading Schools framework and what types of evidence we require.
Read what types of evidence are required carefully
To submit evidence, select the key area in your plan and a white box will appear listing what combination of evidence is required: e.g. comments/observations, photographs and/or quotes from learners/staff. You can also submit evidence by uploading a document or video. Make sure to check what type of evidence is required before adding it. If your evidence needs a little boost, we will add comments to your plan for each key area that needs your attention.
Collect as you go
You can start adding evidence as soon as your plan is available. Your evidence plan automatically saves so you can come back to it and keep adding as you go, meaning less work to do at the end before you submit.
Get your Reading Leadership Group involved
Only the lead contact can submit your evidence plan but any other contact can add to it. We have designed the website so multiple contacts can be connected to a school, so the work does not sit with one individual. Get your learners involved too. Perhaps they could take photographs or collect quotes. Quotes don’t need to be written, you could film other learners and staff or record sound bites.
Use a hashtag
We know a lot of you use Twitter to communicate with your school communities. Why not use our hashtag #ReadingSchools or create your own for all your reading activities. Then you can search the hashtag and copy and paste the links into your evidence plan or take screen grabs and upload them as photos.
Take your time
Remember there are no fixed deadlines for Reading Schools so you can submit your evidence at any time. We often ask for more detail or clarity on evidence, especially if you have missed one of the evidence criteria. We will simply add a comment to your plan with what we need and you can re-submit once you have added to it.
Watch or attend a webinar
We recommend watching a recording of our Submitting Your Evidence webinar. We also hold annual webinars on the process in February/March. See our Further Support and CLPL page for dates and to register.
Ask for help
Remember you can always get in touch with us if you have any questions at will open in a new window)