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Level quiz

Our level quiz will give an indication of the Reading Schools accreditation level we think your school should be aiming for.

The result of this quiz is a recommendation and you can make an application for any level you choose – Core, Silver or Gold. You can also apply for a higher level of accreditation in the future. For example, you may decide to aim for Core level now and work towards Silver and Gold in the future.

Which accreditation level should you aim for?

This quiz can help you determine which Reading Schools accreditation level your school should aim for.

Do learners visibly promote reading and recommend books to one another through, for example, badges, signs or book lists?
Do all staff in your school show that they are readers through, for example, badges, signs or book lists?
Do your staff take part in Scottish Book Trust CLPL and use Scottish Book Trust resources to widen knowledge around reading for pleasure?
Are staff encouraged to develop their knowledge of contemporary children’s literature through book lists and other appropriate resources?
Do you work with your learners to provide appealing and comfortable spaces to read in your school environment and create reading displays?
Do you work with your learners to select up-to-date reading materials relevant to their needs, interests and experiences?
Do you ensure your learners have regular access to a school or public library and encourage them to broaden their experience through access to a wide variety of books / reading materials?
Do you ensure your learners have regular time within the school day to read texts of their own choosing?
Do you ensure that your learners take part in projects based on books each year?
Do you give all learners the opportunity to hear texts aloud?
Do you engage learners individually in meaningful conversations around books to support their reading for pleasure?
Do you allocate time for learners to chat about books with each other?
Do you allow learners to respond to what they’re reading in a variety of engaging ways that best suit their needs and celebrate their achievements?
Do you engage with learners’ families to highlight reading for pleasure?
Do you recognise and celebrate the reading achievements of all learners through, for example, certificates, parties or assemblies?

It looks like you should be aiming for core Reading School level.

View framework and start application

Start again.