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What's new with Reading Schools this school year?

Discover the full changes and quality-of-life updates we've made to your Reading Schools experience this year, based on the feedback you've provided us.

Type: Feature articles
Audience: Additional Support Needs, Primary, Secondary

Thank you for sharing feedback on your experiences of Reading Schools, and for joining us in building sustainable reading communities across Scotland.

We value hearing from you in our webinars, drop-ins and through our online forms, and have been working hard over the summer to develop meaningful improvements based on the comments you have provided.

Discover the full details of our latest changes below.

Frequently asked questions

Access to resources

Clear communication

Website developments


Your online Dashboard

Working together

Sharing practice and networking

Supporting pupil voice

Showing your support

Thank you for sharing your feedback, and we are looking forward to working with you on your Reading Schools accreditations this year.

If you have further questions or comments we encourage you to (this will open in a new window)contact us, join our (this will open in a new window)community Drop-in sessions throughout the term, and submit your Process and Impact survey to our team after your Action and Evidence Plan are accepted.

We love to hear from you, are delighted to share your school’s reading journey, and are on-hand to help with your queries.