Self-evaluation templates
We recommend that you complete a self-evaluation before beginning your Reading Schools journey. This will help to give you an accurate idea of which accreditation level your school should be aiming for
Programme documents
Core, Silver, Gold
Primary, Secondary
Key area:
1.2.1 Reading leadership group, 1.2.2 Learner role modelling, 1.2.3 Visible staff role modelling across the school, 1.2.4 Staff development, 1.2.5 Staff knowledge of contemporary children’s literature, 1.3.1 Whole school action plan, 1.3.2 School environment, 1.3.3 National events and celebrations, 1.5.1 Access to high quality books, 2.2.1 Regular opportunities to read for pleasure, 2.2.2 Interdisciplinary book projects, 2.3.1 Modelling reading behaviours, 2.3.2 Staff meaningful conversations around books, 2.3.3 Creating learner social networks, 2.3.4 Opportunities for learners to respond to what they’re reading, 2.3.5 Access to authors, 2.5.1 Raising the profile of reading with families, 2.7.1 Partnerships within local community, 3.2.1 Rewarding progress and recognising personal achievements, 3.2.2 Monitoring progress

Before you commence your Reading Schools journey, we would recommend you complete our self-evaluation template to:
- Assess to what extent a reading culture is currently embedded in your school
- Decide what level of Reading School award you would like to work towards over the course of the session
Please note, you do not need to submit this form to Scottish Book Trust, it is for your planning purposes only.
This resource relates directly to key areas 1.2.1 Reading leadership group(this will open in a new window) and 1.2.4 Staff development(this will open in a new window)
Related resources
- Webinar: Introducing Reading Schools - Reading Schools(this will open in a new window)
- Webinar: Research-informed practice on reading for pleasure - Reading Schools(this will open in a new window)
- Introduction to Reading Schools assembly presentation template - Reading Schools(this will open in a new window)