How to use Story Deck
Every secondary school in Scotland can receive our new conversation tool, Story Deck, completely free! Explore this page to find out more about how to use Story Deck to support young people's reading journeys.

This page explains how to get the most out of Story Deck.
Find out about Story Deck and how to access it here.
How to use the cards
Choose a card (or a couple of cards) to describe or represent what you like in a story, and to build a picture of what you want to read.

Each image has been chosen because it can be interpreted in many ways. For example, you might choose this card because:
- You want to get lost in a book or read for escapism
- You want to read something with fairytale/fantasy elements
- You want to find out more about nature, trees or climate justice
- You like the art style or colours in the card and you want to read some graphic novels like that
- Anything else – there are no wrong answers!
Conversations are at the heart of Story Deck. Asking each other what drew you to a card, or why you paired or grouped certain cards together, can spark rich conversations about stories and prompt organic recommendations.
Using Story Deck with young people
Use the resources below to get started with Story Deck – or make up your own activities! If you find an activity you love and want to share it, let us know by emailing will open in a new window).
The resources include:
- A PowerPoint introducing Story Deck to pupils
- An activity Pack featuring things you can do with Story Deck, how long they take, and how many pupils can take part
- A guide for group leaders – great for learning professionals or paired reading! Use this short guide to skill up young people in your school to lead Story Deck conversations in groups, or top up your own faciliation skills.
- A printable poster featuring all of the original Story Deck cards! Download as an A4 black and white worksheet, ideal for recording selections in a session, or as an A3 colour poster, ideal for library and classroom walls.
- A Story Deck image key to help you keep track of the cards in the deck and make a note of your favourites.
Using Story Deck with learning professionals
Sometimes the best way to get a feel for how to use a resource is to try it yourself! We have prepared a short PowerPoint presentation introducing Story Deck for learning professionals. If your colleagues would like to know more about why we developed Story Deck, you can read about the research background, too.
Find out how to get Story Deck
Contact and feedback
We want to know how you’re using Story Deck and what you, and the young people in your school, think of it. Get in touch anytime with will open in a new window) – we would love to hear your feedback or see pictures of cards being used!